What does the Burnside Hospital Sun / Star Logo represent?
The sun is the force from which all physical life draws its energy. For centuries, it has represented life and hope and it has had positive unknown qualities and quantities - all these are attributes which epitomises the radiating dedication, professionalism and care shown by Burnside Hospital.
The cross-over between sun and star are positive, both are lights of the day and night, creating an image that shows Burnside Hosptial as a leader in all fields of hospital care. This is denoted by the multifaceted and layered nature of the image, which can also be seen to enhance the futuristic and technological. The star contained within the diamond is reminiscent of an optical fibre, prevalent in today's progressive technological society.
The colours used are bright, positive and hopeful. The yellow sun / star is encapsulated by the blue block representing a solid base, historically or of reputation, from which to reach out into the future.