The Burnside Hospital is seeking healthcare consumers and members of our community who would like to be meaningfully involved in providing advice and comment on service delivery and planning.
The Consumer Advisory Group will contribute information on their experiences and those of their community within the South Australian healthcare setting that will enable the Burnside Hospital to further improve our services. If you have an interest in assisting in the ongoing improvement of the patient experience and delivery of care, apply now to be a member of our inaugural Consumer Advisory Group .
Burnside Hospital recognises the evidence supporting the immense value that partnerships with consumers provide to the quality of healthcare and in response to the legislative requirement for engagement, Burnside Hospital has committed to the establishment of a Consumer Advisory Group (CAG).
The CAG will provide a structured partnership between consumers and/or carers and Burnside Hospital, facilitating meaningful discussions for the provision of advice, direction and advocacy for planning, delivery, design, measurement and evaluation of healthcare services at Burnside Hospital.
Expressions of Interest are sought from consumers and carers (past or current) or community members with knowledge and experience of community health services to join the CAG as a Consumer Member.
What does the CAG do?
The CAG will:
- Provide advice to BH on consumer, carer and community views so they are taken into consideration in service delivery, planning and policy development, where appropriate.
- Comment on priority areas and issues requiring consumer and community engagement.
- Comment on behalf of the community, including special needs consumers.
- Facilitate communication between consumer, carer and community groups and the BH.
What are the responsibilities of the CAG Members?
Key Responsibilities of a Consumer Member:
- Actively participates as a member of the CAG
- Confidentially advocate for people they will be asked to represent
- Bring a consumer/carer/community member perspective to all discussion and decision making
- Possess a good understanding of matters that affect people receiving healthcare services.
- Have well developed interpersonal skills including the ability to work as part of a team and maintain good working relationships with team members and other stakeholders.
Who is eligible to apply?
Membership Eligibility
- Members are consumers, carers or community persons who may have had first-hand experience of healthcare delivery at Burnside Hospital.
- Members should ideally be active in the community, with community networks and a sound understanding of local healthcare issues.
- Members must be 18 years of age or older.
- Members from a diverse range of backgrounds are encouraged to apply.
Will I get paid?
Members of the CAG are volunteers and do not receive remuneration.
When are meetings?
- Evening meetings will be held quarterly.
- The Chair can call additional out of session meetings if required.
How do I apply?
To apply, please complete the below application form and submit to:
Luisa Mozzi
Executive Assistant
Burnside War Memorial Hospital
120 Kensington Road
Toorak Gardens SA 5065
Or via email [email protected]
Consumer Advisory Group - Terms of Reference
Download pdf / 390 KB
Consumer Advisory Group - Application Form
Download pdf / 473 KB