To improve the outcomes and experiences of our patients, we are seeking support for the following items.
The Burnside Hospital Foundation raises funds to purchase and upgrade our equipment, providing doctors and staff with the best tools to provide the highest level of care for patients.
If you are interested in contributing towards one of these items or would like further information, please contact:
Burnside Hospital Foundation
P: 08 8202 7222
E: [email protected]
Please note the below information is correct as of November 2021 and may be subject to change.
Syringe Pump $1,675
A syringe pump continuously delivers medicines under the skin, managing symptoms more comfortably (particularly for those who struggle with oral medication).
Cost: $1,675
Medication Fridge $3,365
Specially designed fridges for the storage of sensitive medications for patients, with alarms to notify staff of changes in temperature.
Cost: $3,365
High Flow Oxygen Delivery Unit $4,450
The Optiflow THRIVE is a unique airway management therapy, providing oxygen to patients under general anaesthesia, sedation and during post anaesthesia care.
Cost: $4,450
Patient Beds $4,705
The new beds comply with the most demanding international standards, increasing patient comfort and independence with easy to access controls, and greater prevention of pressure injuries, patient falls and cross infection.
Cost: $4,705
Blanket Warmers $4,990
Providing additional comfort by warming blankets for patients recovering from anaesthetic, and for older patients who have a propensity to feel more extremes of temperature.
Cost: $4,990
Intraoperative Patient Warming System $11,778
A heated operating theatre mattress to provide safe and controlled warming for patients during surgery, for the prevention of hypothermia and reduced recovery time.
Cost: $11,778
ENT Handpiece $12,487
The ENT Straightshot M5 Microdebrider is a state-of-the-art surgical handpiece used in rhinoplasty surgery, minimising the amount of instruments required while maximising tool control.
Cost: $12,487
Eye Surgery Beds $13,750
The Eye Surgery Stretcher is a specially designed operating bed that gives surgeons ample room to manoeuvre while performing delicate eye surgery procedures.
Cost: $13,750
Bladder Scanner $16,330
A portable, hand-held ultrasound device, which can perform a quick, easy and non-invasive scan of the bladder to determine urine output that may be inhibited as a result of an anaesthetic or medical issue.
Cost: $16,330
Denyers Operating Table $58,478
The Denyers XRT5000 is a high quality Australian made operating table, rich in features including a large range of articulations and positions for all types of surgery, easy of use and a durable design.
Cost: $58,478